Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I have been whining quite a lot about so many things nowadays.. . As for this posting, i would like to talk about friendship and this posting of mine, might trigger some unhappiness to some.. *a lil bit of warning here*

Friends plays a mojor important roles in our lives.. I love them all and they loved me just as much - maybe even more.. Thanks friend.. Sometimes, i just cant imagine what i would do without them.

Friends do have an influence on us and this depends very much on ourselves and the situation.. I emphasise here that they definitely have an influence on us.. For that reason, it is absolutely very crucial to surround ourselves with good trustworthy friends..

Dear readers, I must say that am very fortunate to have wonderful friends around me.. Yes, things have been very difficult for me this lately, but it has been made much more bearable because of my friends.. True, there are only a few - very few - who knew of my problem, but even then, those who do not know continue to give me the indirect support..

When am down, I really appreciate friends who will remind me, advice me and support me.. Yes, sometimes I know all these, but to have someone reminding me about it just feels different.. It feels nice, it feels comforting, it feels great..

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve been a good friend to be able to be blessed with such great friends. The thing about them is, they do not just pat my back and tell me that it’s ok and things will be just fine.. I mean, yeah they do that, but there are times when they shook me up instead.. They scolded, they nagged, and they even threatened.. Thanks friends..

And I think that’s very important.. Too often, I think that a friend is someone who will always approve of my acts, cover it up for me if necessary and supports whatever I do despite it being wrong.. I would be offended if my friend were to say something which goes against my own actions or thoughts.. But that’s wrong of me to think that way..

I think it’s easier to find a friend who says yes to everything I do when they're with me, while criticising and talking about it to another friend behind my back, than to find someone who would go all out to help ensure that I would not do something which I would regret later on in my life..

I think I’ve been guilty of that as I have approved certain behaviours of my friend despite knowing what they did was obviously wrong.. I did that because I was afraid that I might lose their friendship, that they would stay away from me as they might think that I was offensive..

I think it’s human nature to not want things go against our way and it’s human nature to seek support from those close to us in whatever we do.. However, I think I must remind myself that what I want is not always the best for me, and I do not think rationally all the time..

There are times when I’m emotionally-wrecked that I base my decisions on what I’m feeling at that point of time and it will seem so right and apt to me - when it is actually not.. That’s when I need my friends who are not as emotionally-wrecked and are able to see matters from a different perspective; a perspective which I might not have even considered and pondered upon..

Or maybe sometimes, am unable to take their advices because I think that I am better than them in many ways..


First and foremost, who am I to judge who’s the better one among us.. It is not up to me to judge a person based on their appearance and what little knowledge I have of them..

Secondly, even if they are like how I think they are, what right do I have to refuse to listen to them if what they say is THE TRUTH?

I have to understand that it’s not much about the person, but it’s more on the ADVICE given.. But in order to do that, I must first put aside my ego and my sense of self-righteousness.. I must remember that I am a mere human who makes mistakes all the time.. I MUST!

So I need to remind myself, sometimes, to be a true friend, is to go against him/her when it is necessary and I myself need to do that.. I cannot be selfish.. I cannot just continue approving just so my friendship with her will not be strained.. I do not want to be a friend whom she will cry bitterly for knowing..

No!! I definitely do not want to be a friend whom the devil manipulates to do my friend in.. I want to be like my friends who are not afraid to tell me off when I need it much..

So to all my UNDERSTANDING friends, please do not hate me when I disapprove of your acts and I make it known to you personally.. It’s not because I am trying to be offensive or show that I am superior than you are, but it’s because I care about you..

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