Friday, June 6, 2008

Its a long day.. Very tiring..

Owh, this lately am very slow in updating the posting.. Am so tired with things.. But for the best of me in the future, i know i have to do this.. And its not only that i can do it, but i strongly believe that i am more than capable enough to do it in a very right way..

Okay, Monday went to some places for my business proposal.. Places mainly Kiulap and Gadong area..

Wednesday, went out to make the market research for my business proposal again.. Went to some companies and government departments too.. Thanks to the relevant management officer in helping me to complete this task..

Thursday (yesterday, as now the time is half past 12 midnight), went to the Takaful BIBD and an Interior Design company.. Then finish up the marketing plan at Sham's place.. Sham's thanks!! Jirole, thanks for the ride!!

Urm will upload the photos next time.. Am tired!! Its late!! I have a meeting tomorrow with the management of RBC Airport Restaurant..

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