Thursday, May 1, 2008

My 3 drinks..

My 3 drinks..
Saturday, 5 April, 2008 12:20 AM

1. How tall are you ?
♥ Am short.. yes short..

2. Have you ever smoked?
♥ Yeah, used to.. Now i quit already.. Its bad: health-wise and financial-wise..

3. Do you own a gun?
♥ Nope..

4. Do you hate someone right now?
♥ No.. Its hard for me to hate anyone.. The term 'hate' is way too extreme..

5. Do you get nervous?
♥ Yes, especially when am doing a public presentation and meeting someone special too..

6. What do you think of hotdogs?
♥ Ehehehe.. Are we refering to the same sausages?

7. Whats your favorite Christmas song?
♥ Not sure.. Perhaps the jinggle bell song.. Does it count?

8. What do you prefer to drink?
- Coke.. Coke.. Coke.. Not until recently that i love both Tea Tarik and Minerals Water..

9. Can you do push ups?
♥ Push ups? Am so lazy for that..

10.Whats your favorite piece of jewelry?
♥ I dont have one.. But i kinda love those rings..

11. Do you like painkillers?
♥ Like? No!! I only take painkillers when i really need it..

12. What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex?
♥ Am weaponless.. Am harmless..

13. Do you own a knife?
♥ No!! I have a cutter though..

14. Do you have H.I.V?
♥ No!! Am free of those viruses.. "Nauzubillahi Min Zalik"..

15. ur name?
♥ Faiz-HS..

16. Name 3 things u wanna do at this exact moment?
♥ Hanging out.. Hanging out.. Hanging out..

17. Name the last 3 things you have bought lately:
♥ 2 bottles of RainFresh.. A kilo of Fries.. A bottle of Kimball Chilli Sauce.. :P

18. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:
♥ Didnt u ask me this question already? Its Coke.. Coke.. Coke.. But recently i start to love minerals water and tea tarik..

19. What time did you wake up today?
♥ Around 10 am..

20. Current worry?
♥ My car broke down.. I have no car now..

21. Current hate?
♥ I simply hate nobody..

22. Favorite place to be?
♥ Be right above the average..

23. Least favorite place to be?
♥ Place with annoying and back-stabbers..

24. Where would you like to go?
♥ Somewhere that i really belongs to..

25. Do you own slippers?
♥ Yes i do..

26. What shirt are you wearing?
♥ My blue T-shirt..

27. Would you like to be a pirate?
♥ No!!

28. Last time you had an alcoholic drink?
♥ Never!!

29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
♥ Depends..

30. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
♥ Cant remember..

31. what's in your pocket right now?
♥ My handphone..

32. Last thing that made you laugh?
♥ Mr. Liq's message..

33. Last thing that made you cry?
♥ Cant remember.. break off.. last year..

34. Worst injury you've ever had?
♥ Major self-accident.. Last 3 years somewhere along the highway..

45. How many cellphones do you have?
♥ Two.. 1 for my Prima and 1 for my Easi, DST..

46. Who is your loudest friend?
♥ Its me.. Second would be Ditch!!

47. Your most silent friend?
♥ None..

48. Movie you wanna see?

49. What is your favorite book?
♥ Women from Venus, Men from Mars..

50. What is your favorite chocolate?
♥ Kinder Bueno, Ferrero and anything with Cadbury's..

51. What song do/did you want to play at your wedding?
♥ Havent plan it yet.. Its long way to go..

52. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
♥ Checking my friendster after Mr. Liq's good night call.. :P

53. What was the First thing you did today?
♥ Check my handphone then charging it..

54. What was the last thing you did the day before yesterday?
♥ Not sure.. But i bet it was talking with Mr. Liq's on the phone..

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