Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Better than Nothing..


I know its been so long that i didnt update this sweet bloggie of mine.. I was so very busy with things.. Never thought that, it takes me months to update my own bloggie.. Shhhh..

Many things happened since the last time i updated this blog.. Jumped from one job to the other and am glad that the new job suits me very well.. Really hope that this wont turns me into an old guy..

Many people asked me, for the reason why i quit to work with the BSP for the new job.. Hmmm.. I cant really answer that simple question.. May be.. Just May be, i myself wasnt sure of the reason(s) my self..

I still remember, got the offer few days before this year's Ramadhan ended.. I know that i really wanted to take the new job.. But, back then before i accept the offer, i did ask my best friends on their opinion whether to leave BSP or not.. The responses that i've received from them were 50-50.. Some discouraged me and the other some told me that i should give the new job a try.. Was really confused that time.. And i hate being confused..

It took me nights to come with my conclusion, to give up BSP for the new job.. Then mid October 2009, i made up my mind to attend the medical check-up and later accepted the offer.. This is a big decision that i've had to make..

Financial-wise, i must say that i can only get what i've earned from BSP, after years of working.. BSP offers was way better.. But, career-wise i think am making the right decision.. The new job offers more perks.. Chewah~

Whatsoever it is am up to the challenges.. Bring it on!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Nuryn's Car Crashed..

Hey ya, its been so long that i didnt update this lil bloggie of mine.. thing for sure, am missing all these.. owh, tomorrow will definitely the first day of Ramadhan for us here in Brunei.. am kinda glad that the moon wasnt cited yesterday, as my housemates and i were organizing a warmhouse BBQ party.. It was a huge success, for a newbies and last minute planned event.. ehehehe..

Earlier this week, Nurin got herself involved in an accident at the Lumut U-turn Highway.. it happened so early in the morning, on her way down to our workplace.. it was a self-accident actually.. the car was crashed.. it could have been worst, luckily Nurin was wearing the safety-belt.. yeah it safe life.. hahahaha..

There were the three of us (the housemates) to support her.. we went to the police station and then out for a short breakfast at KK.Koya.. I was given a day off that day, to accompany Nuryn at home..


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cinta ini Hanya Untukmu~

jujur ku katakan kepadamu
bahwa kamu yang paling mengerti
takkan ada yang lain menggantikan dirimu lagi

berulang kali telah ku coba
membuka hati untuk yang lain
namun semua berakhir karna cintaku hanya untukmu


salahkah diriku yang tak bisa
menepikan dirimu dalam hatiku
aku tlah mencoba, terus ku mencoba
namun tak bisa

mungkin memang aku yang bersalah
tak bisa menjadi yang kau minta
andai dulu ku tahu
pasti kita masih kan bersama

repeat reff

karena dengan arti dirimu yang selalu ada
di hati ini punya arti bersamaku
aku tlah mencoba, terus ku mencoba
namun tak bisa

aku tak bisa, aku tak bisa melupakanmu

Friday, April 3, 2009

TelBru PC Fair~

Its TelBru PC Fair today at the The Mall.. Its gonna be until the 12th April..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

TelBru 3rd Year Aniversary~

Tak Bisa Memiliki~

Apakah yang engkau cari
Tak kau temukan di hatiku
Apakah yang engkau inginkan
Tak dapat lagi ku penuhi
Begitulah aku
Pahamilah aku

Mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna,
Tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku
Mungkin aku tak bisa memiliki
Dirimu seumur hidupku

Apakah yang engkau cari
Tak kau temukan di hatiku
Apakah yang engkau inginkan
Tak dapat lagi ku penuhi
Begitulah aku
Pahamilah aku

Mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna
Tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku
Mungkin aku tak bisa memiliki
Dirimu seumur hidupku

Mungkin aku tidaklah sempurna
Tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku
Mungkin aku tak bisa memiliki
Dirimu seumur hidupku 3x

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My 1st Article for The Brunei Times..

Hey my dear blog-readers.. Urm, am so not active in producing any good materials this lately.. Truly speaking, my life is getting very challenging.. So i really need to prioritize things in life..

I wasn't supposed to work in the weekend.. But last week, i was assigned to this one event.. Assigned to represent The Brunei Times, to cover the event..

Initially, i was quite reluctant to agree but knowing that the event that i need to cover is the 'Concerts @ The Playground" at Jerudong Park Mini-Amphitheatre, i immediately accepted the assignment..

Am a big fan of ZulF.. I just couldn't afford to miss this opportunity to go and see him.. Well, its not the first time tho.. Hahaha.. Below is my drafted version of the article..

Bandar Seri Begawan,
Written By: Faisal Haji Salleh
Pictures By: Faisal Haji Salleh

In line with the rebranding of The Jerudong Park Playground as a family oriented theme park, The Jerudong Park Country Club organised a ‘School Holiday Family Entertainment’ entitled ‘Concerts @ The Playground’.

About 100 people attended the concert which was held at The Jerudong Park Mini-Amphitheatre, in conjunction with the first term school holidays. With the objective to strengthen the family bonds and friendship, the concert at the same time give opportunity for local artistes to expose themselves to the general public.

The concert began with the performance by our local band, Atmosphere Band. Their performance was interesting and the showmanship was immense.

ZulF then entered the stage to loud cheers and started with a melodious medley of his popular love songs from Chantik, Dari Mata and Kau Adalah Cinta. He also sang Terima Kasih Cinta, a song originally sang by the Indonesian singer, Afgan. ZulF has a great stage presence and charisma in his singing.

This followed by the appearance of the beautiful singer, Maria. She sang two songs, Waktu and Jangan Ada Segi Tiga. Her performance was effortlessly superb.

RTB Most Popular Singers, ZulF and Maria singing "Hanya Memuji".

The main highlight of the concert was the outstanding duet performance by both ZulF and Maria, singing a famous local hits entitled ’24 Hours’.

The concert lasted for almost 2 hours. Present to watch the concert was the General Manager of The Jerudong Park and Country Club, Russell Finney.

Thanks for the great show!!

Taken From The Website~

Its April Now!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bangladesh 39th Independence & National Day~

Am a lil bit sleepy here.. I might not be able to stand it anymore.. But tomorrow is the Independence & National Day of Bangladesh..

I have nothing further to be shared here, but i would like to say congratulations to Bangladesh, on the occasion of its 39th Independence & National Day on 26th March 2009.. Lets enjoy the artwork that has been designed by one of my colleague.. It will be published in tomorrow's edition of The Brunei Times..

Thanks for the beauty artwork..

Weight Management~

Today, at the office we've actually have some sort of gloomy day.. The room was dark.. Everyone felt so lazy but busy chit-chatting.. We talked about so many things.. From 'something' to ''nothing'..

Then there is this one colleague of mine, she was saying that she've gained some carbs this lately.. Gosh!! She doesn't look like she is gaining those carbs actually.. May be, its just her woman side of life.. Woman with insecurities about their looks.. Hahahaha..

Guess what??

She google it out on how to lose some weight.. Then she emailed those article to us, and that includes me.. Gosh!!

Lose Weight in 5 Days

1. Eat a big breakfast

I prefer you'd eat eggs, but if not, just eat a big breakfast anyway. Researchers have proven that those who eat a big breakfast and follow it up with smaller meals for the rest of the day lose a lot more weight than people who either skip breakfast or eat a light breakfast.

2. Eat an apples before your meals and a banana after your meals

This allows you to eat your comfort foods so you don't feel deprived. However, the apples and bananas crowd out how much of the foods you eat. You'll eat less.

This is an easy way to diet since you can still eat the foods you're use to. You don't even have to try eating less of them. The apples and bananas will do that for you.

3. Do deep breathing for 5 minutes a day

It's been shown that deep breathing helps with weight loss due to the added oxygen intake from taking bigger breaths. Why? Well, because oxygen is the enemy to body fat. The more oxygen you get into your body, the more fat gets burned off through oxidation.

Anyway, above this is the article.. U people can try it, and if it works then please do let me know.. Thanks!!

Earth Hour!!

Congrates to Brunei DPMM FC~

Last night, i intended to watch the S-League footie match between Brunei DPMM FC and Sengkang Punggol but due to an unavoidable situation.. My schedule was pretty much occupied.. Almost occupied most of the time.. Ehehehe.. Kalah menteri sja bunyinya yo!!

Went home around half past 7pm and sure thing i couldn't make it for the footie match.. Talked about the match earlier that afternoon with 'Amirah but yeah, there i was.. I'm the one who couldn't make it.. All in all, I'd have to wait for the updates from a good friend of mine..

The final score of the match was 1-0 in favour of Brunei DPMM FC.. Am glad!! Being unbeaten, over the 6 matches, Brunei DPMM FC now able to climb on to the top of the S-League..

Our very own Brunei DPMM FC's striker,
Shahrazen Hj Md Said, the goal scorer..

Work hard is the key to SUCCESS!!

Visited Rano's blog and he did mention that the number of spectators are increasing in number now.. I quote: "The match attendance was 9,100 which is an increase from the 6,500 spectators in the last game."

Yeah i do hope that the match attendance will keep on increasing.. Hope its going to double in the next game.. Ehehehe.. Lets hope and pray that our football scene will be just like or even better than it used to be.. Ole Ole Brunei~

So much thanks for the pics.. It wasnt my own pics..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Does the word exist? Hahaha.. As i care.. Well, at the moment am at my office.. Its a very tough busy job.. I almost cant handle it.. Nahhh..

This is going to be a very short updates.. Ehe.. At the moment am not feeling very well.. Been more than 2 weeks already.. Even during my 'Shell' presentation, i was sick.. Am not expecting too much but i do hope that i'll be offered the job..

Right after the whole 'Shell' experience, i immediately reporting for duty with The Brunei Times.. Here i am, blog-working.. Am loving it.. I kinda love my job.. In fact, it didn't challenge my accounting knowledge at all.. How good can it be? I could ask nothing more.. :P

Well, as per the AF7, this week they'll be singing a medley of two songs for every one of them.. Its something very new to the AF.. Introduction of new element(s)..

Owh yeah, last Sunday i went out with my A+ best friends for a BBQ-picnic session at the Muara Beach.. It was fun.. It was a fine great day.. It would have been better if only my health condition could allows me to join them 'swim and play' with the wave..

I booked the place, then i had to leave them for awhile coz now am back to my teaching profession.. I had a few students as of now.. Am teaching Economics.. Ehehehe.. :)

What else? Owh i was called for few job interviews next week.. But i plan to come to one of the interview only, that is the TAP.. Am happy with my current job, so wont come to the other interviews.. Lets give other people the chance to get employed..

I knew it, no matter how good u'r, being jobless is always not easy.. Ur two years of saving can easily ran out in just 3 months time.. Sad, but its true.. At least, that is what happened to me..

Do not be too choosy.. But dont be too desperate either.. It will only waste your time.. I believe you dont want that to happen.. Trust me, u'll ended up regret for accepting such offer..

Somehow, dont be surprised if once u got a job.. Then more job offers would come to you.. So make a wise decision.. It better to wait rather to act desperate..

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Family BBQ Get-Together Session~

Everyone knows the fact that i such a Reality TV Series freak.. I have to admit that i really am.. From today onwards i'll be updating news about some of them.. After the Mystarz LG final month ago, am actually into American Idol, One in a Million (OIAM) and of course the Akademi Fantasia (AF)..

Am not going to update about all of them.. I might only write about the OIAM-3and AF-7 only.. Ehehehe.. OIAM-3 is now on its week 4 already.. Last night was the Top-9 Week and Pija was eliminated earlier on that match..

Nothing really impressed me.. Am expecting more from this season OIAM actually.. Frankly speaking, i dont like Fify.. She's so not my types.. Hahahaha.. :P

Everyweek, am only looking forward for Amylea, Rizu, Esther and Tomok performances only.. They are my so-called favourite for the season show.. Every each of them has been choosen as the immunity recepient except for Rizu.. Ehehe.. This week immunity recipient was Tomok.. He is different now.. More matured.. More man-ly..

On the other hand, this is the very first week of AF-7, 14 contestants altogether.. I watched all the diaries so far.. They've been few major changes in the programme.. The new principal Tiara, the new dancing instructor Aris, the new acting instructor Ida.. It brings some sort of freshness to the AF..

I might want to see more of Obri, Qhaud, Claudia, Obri, Zizi, Yazid, Isma, Adilla or even Rubisa.. I dont like Rini.. I might not like her for the whole season.. Seriously!!

I will give the other chances to grab my attention but not to that one tudong lady by the name of Rini.. Its not that i dont like her because of her tudong appearance, but its more than that.. I cant put it into words.. I bet i dont need reason to dont like her.. Dont u think so?

I cant wait to watch the 1st concert of AF-7 later tonight.. Tonight there will be a football match between my favourite, Liverpool FC and Manchester United.. Its going to be an interesting match to be watched..

Tonight i'll be going out to my cousin's family BBQ get-together session.. Guess what, we'll be watching both the AF-7 concert and the footie match at the same time.. It would be fun!! The women with the AF-7, the men with the footie match.. But i will definitely watch both..

Updates Notification..

I know, i've been neglecting you for more than 2 weeks now.. Frankly speaking, am very busy.. So many things happened this lately.. Future-related things.. But none has something to do with love.. As a matter of fact, am still single.. But point to be noted here is that, am not looking forward to have a partner as of now..

Am thinking of concentrating on whatever things that am doing at the moment.. I need to make sure that am above the par.. Ehehehe..

Will let everyone knows what actually happened over the last 2 weeks.. I hope u'll stay with me.. Oh btw, April is just around the corner.. Its the month to show me your love.. I didnt expect much actually, but cant deny the fact that am still hoping.. Ehehehe.. *hinting*

I've been wanting to revamp my blog.. Both content-wise and design-wise.. Should i? No matter what your answer is, thats my final decision.. I might start with some minor changes first.. Ehe..

Loving everyone so much..

Friday, February 27, 2009

Relaxing the Body~

I know the fact that i still have few outstanding postings to be updated but am just ran out of time.. Am so and very busy this lately.. Very!!

But later this afternoon, i'll go out with some friends for a body relaxing session.. We'll have our so-called swimming session or more to a 'berendam' session of mine and to go to the newly launched Book Fair..

Didn't intend to buy any books actually but just to look and see, what they really have to offer.. Ehehehe.. Okay people, see you when i see you~

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pink Panther 2~

Soto Bunut~



Nazri & Hanna..

Hanna & Me..

Quickie Updates~

I just got back from Temburong.. The whole trip was okay.. Had a late breakfast at Limbang then once we're done with the project, then we headed to Retaie and visited Moncel.. We spent hours in the kitchen to prepare the food and had our late lunch there..

Left Temburong almost 3 pm and then we managed to do some browsing in Limbang.. Bought cartons of ciggies and all.. Hahahaha.. We smuggle 4 cartons of ciggies.. Not bad, as compared to human trafficking that we've done once not long time ago.. Wild and naughty!!

Later around 6ish, Nazri is going to pick me.. Its the payday.. Lets make Nazri broke.. Hahaha.. Later there will be Nazri, Schiz, Hanna and me.. I can promised u more pictures.. :P

Another Long Road Trip..

Its almost 5 in the morning and i haven't sleep as yet.. Its not that i cant sleep but i am still up for another footie match.. Its not a match of Liverpool but its Manchester United.. Just wanted to see whether they're really good.. They've done well in EPL but who knows not for other championship.. Hahaha.. :P

Wont give you the updates of the match.. Will let u know once the game ends.. Ooh, just to update everyone that this morning I'll go for another long road trip.. This time, am going to Temburong with Qmah to do the project.. Its a very last minute thing.. The date to submit the project report will be very soon, either February 26th or 28th..

Invited Schiz, but she cant join us later.. She hasn't completed her project too.. She intended to ask for my company, but knowing that am going with Qmah then she might go all by herself.. Sorry babe.. You should have let me know earlier.. Drive safe later babe..

Owh, the final score for the UEFA Champions League match between Inter Milan and Manchester United, ended with a nil-nil.. On the other hand, another England team, Arsenal won one goal advantage to AS Roma.. The goal was scored by the good-looking, Robin Van Persie.. :)

Liverpool match against Real Madrid will be on the 26th February, 3ish am.. All the best for my team..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Love at First Sight?

I have an issue here.. Once i start to post about relationship, i tend to look so other related article/posting about relationship too.. I don't know, its just me or me..

While browsing for a good article, i visited Harm's blog.. He did a posting on 'love at first sight'.. Somehow i find it an interesting article..

I quote: "Do u believe in that? Is it true that hatred can eventually change into love and otherwise? Why must it be a mutual consent? Can we learn to love? Why do we love when we know that in the end consequence is that we'll get hurt? Why do we bother to put 101% effort when we know it will gone one day? Why can’t we understand or see love? So what makes it work? How do you know that your partner loves you oh-so-much? Why do the butterfly feelings in your stomach occur every time you and your partner are about to meet each other? Is being understanding, responsible and committed enough to keep the relationship safe?"

So what do i have to say on this? I've lots to say actually.. But i don't to attempt all the question, all in one time.. If i do so, i strongly believe that it is going to be a very long posting.. I wont do that, so my plan here is to answer the question one by one..

Q1. Do u believe in that?

- I presume that the term 'that' refers to the love at first sight.. Telling you the truth, i believe that love at first sight do exist in real life but again, i don't think that it going to last forever.. Most of the time, people fall in love at first sight for the way they look or appear.. Personality? Charm? All these are just, non-permanent characteristics..

Q2. Is it true that hatred can eventually change into love and otherwise?

- True.. This is so very true.. I do believe that it is possible to happen.. In the end, both hatred and love are just feelings.. Feelings are something that is very hard to describe.. Feelings are something that is neither dynamic nor is static.. It changes from time to time.. We cant expect feelings to remain the same.. As per Siti Nurhaliza's song, "Bisakah yang benci disayangi".. Then how to preserve the love? Simply appreciate people who loves you..

Q3. Why must it be a mutual consent?

- In this boundary-less world, no one can live alone on it owns.. At least, there are two parties in every relationship.. A more complex relationship might involve more parties.. That is one of the reason why there must be a mutual consent.. It wont works it only one party is interested to make the relationship works..

Q4. Can we learn to love?

- We can learn Maths, and if we are very good at it, then we are called Mathematicians.. We can learn business, but even if we are very good at it, we are not even close to be called as a Businessman.. Love? It is something that we cant actually learn and at the same time, it is also something that cant be practiced.. The best you can do is to try.. Try to love people around you..

Q5. Why do we love when we know that in the end consequence is that we'll get hurt?

- This is almost similar situation that i've covered in my 'relationship matters' posting.. Its either you can read that posting or here is my simplified answer for the situation.. We still try to love though we know that we'll get hurt in the end because we believe that the pottential relationship needs to be given a chance.. Without doing so, we might not know that its worth giving chance.. If its not worth the try, then u've nothing to regret.. Be proud, that u've tried.. At least, there wouldnt be any 'what ifs' questions..

Q6. Why do we bother to put 101% effort when we know it will gone one day?

- Its similar to the answer above.. I dont want all my life, regretting for not trying.. At least, i can say, i've tried enough..

Q7. Why can’t we understand or see love? So what makes it work?

- Who said so? Thats is so not true.. As i've said earlier on, love is a feeling.. A special feeling.. It is something happen inside u and amazingly it can be physically shown too.. We know that someone is in love because the love itself changes that someone.. Yeah, at times it is hard to understand what love is.. But at least we know love is something complex yet beautiful.. It connects hearts..

Q8. How do you know that your partner loves you oh-so-much?

- There is no clear-cut way to know whether our partner loves us so much.. The way they treat us? No.. That is not enough.. Lots more need to be done to show what real love is.. It is undefinable.. But for me, if i have a partner, i know my partner loves me, when the partner loves me the way i love my partner.. Love and accept me for who i am..

Q9. Why do the butterfly feelings in your stomach occur every time you and your partner are about to meet each other?

- Hahahaha.. I always have this feelings whenever am about to meet my partner.. Its normal.. Well, i cant really explain on this one.. Not only the butterfly feelings, i would also like to add, the time spent to pick the nice clothes, to choose the right perfume, to get ready.. Everything is becoming more time consuming.. There is only and always only one reason for this, we try to be the very best for our partner.. Be the ultimate choice for our partner.. Ultimate choice!!

Q10. Is being understanding, responsible and committed enough to keep the relationship safe?

No.. It is not enough,, There is no such thing as safe in a relationship.. Being in a relationship, didnt give us the chance to sit back, relax and enjoy.. There is always things need to be done to maintain the relationship.. Please do remember, it takes two to have a relationship..

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Kedewasaan Bernegara"

Semua telah sedia maklum bahawa, tanggal 23 haribulan Februari merupakan satu hari yang amat bersejarah bagi kita rakyat serta penduduk di bumi bertuah, Negara Brunei Darussalam.. Tahun ini genap 25 tahun, negara kita telah mencapai kemerdekaan penuhnya dengan tema: "Kedewasaan Bernegara"

Dalam tempoh 25 tahun tersebut banyak yang telah negara kecapi sama ada dari aspek pendidikan, kesihatan, komunikasi, pembangunan dan sebagainya.. Kepesatan pembangunan ini sudah setentunya dapat menjadi ristaan dan kebanggaan kita sebagai rakyat dan penduduk..

Sukar untuk digambarkan dengan kata-kata betapa bersyukurnya kita, memiliki sebuah negara yang bernama Brunei Darussalam..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Relationship Matters~

At this very moment am watching the footie match between my fav, Liverpool FC and the not-so-glamour Manchester City.. I don't know what to expect from this match.. Statistically, Liverpool can easily win the match but anything is possible.. Liverpool has not been in a good form this lately.. They didn't win, the match that they should have win..

Its mid-way of the first half of the match.. The match wasn't as exiting as i've expected.. There is no Gerrard.. There is no Alonso.. The whole midfield player of Liverpool is not adventurous enough.. This is not a good sign for Liverpool..

Get bored with the rhythm of the game so i did some blog-hopping.. As usual i blog-hopped to my fav blogs.. The bla, The blabla, The blablabla and bla.. Hahahaha.. :)

Visited this one blog, owns by a blog-friend of mine, Zoul and something grabbed my attention.. In the recent posting about friendship.. Its a quote from another blog actually..

It says: "People try so hard to create sparks in a certain relationship and eventually fail.. I saw people try and try to make a friendship that won't work. Whether it's because the other is not interested or their personalities are just too different,"

I've things to be shared here.. First of all, I'd love to say that this may not only apply in friendship life but in any relationship as a whole..

My argument is that, it is so very true that no matter how hard we try to make a relationship work, eventually it might fail.. As a partner, when we are in a relationship, we will try our best to make things work.. We will try to do things that we are not used to.. We try to adjust ourselves to the not-so-great-situation of being together.. We just don't bother to give up, coz we expected things going better each day..

In short, we are very determined to do anything just to protect the relationship.. But again will this be worthwhile? If it is, so you're lucky.. But if it is meant to fail, then it failed you.. Giving up so many things yet gaining nothing in the end.. So not worthied.. Sounds so crazy? No!! That's life dear..

But again, on the other hand, if we didn't try our best to make the relationship work, how can we know that there is actually no hope for the potential relationship? I strongly believe that, at least one party needs to show their true intention to make the relationship works..

Trust me.. Believe in me.. No relationship will going to work well, if either party is just sit back, relax and enjoying the moment alone.. Share the great-worst-moment together.. Do things together.. In the end, that's the main reason for living together.. Don't you think so?

Tell you what, that is not the very end of my argument.. The writer was suggesting that perhaps the reason for the relationship being failed was either because the other is not interested or their personalities are just too different..

I need not have to justify the the first reason for being failed.. It is so damn true.. When a party is not interested in making the relationship works from the first place, then why bother to work so hard? Its only worth to try if you are in the situation of clueless yellow... Not in the situation of being absolute green or red..

But for the second reason of being failed.. No!! No!! No!! That's one of the lame-est thing that i've ever heard/read.. Sorry for not being polite.. But hey, am just sharing my thoughts here.. I respects your suggestion though..

Truly speaking, the reason to disagree is that, in real life that is not always the situation.. Having very similar personalities is not good.. Well, at first it might be a positive thing in a relationship, the both of you can share so many things together be it from food, drinks, sports, movies and so on.. Thousand thanks to the similar personalities that you've got.. That's could easily make the bond strong.. But, this is not going to happen in a long run..

In the long run, when you have a very similar personalities, it might make your partner boring.. There is nothing much to explore.. No surprises in life can be expected.. There is no colour in the relationship.. It is simply dull.. Huhuhu.. Break-up, is the end product of such relationship..

On the other hand, if their personalities are different, then the two parties can get to know each other better, in-and-out.. Expecting so many things, but the outcomes are so different.. It is something fun.. Small fight here-and-there just to come up with a solution like where to have the dinner together or what movie to be watched.. Funny..

Then being so different enable us to widen our horizon as well.. Great-good thing about in a relationship is that it gives a positive vibe.. It makes you wanting to try new things.. If he love football, then you'll start to love football as well.. Reason? It happens because that is one of the thing that u do and share together..

Owh.. I've said enough and guess what its almost the end of the game.. A tie for Liverpool and Manchester City.. What a boring performance..

I've been in the situation before and i survive.. Till then, seeya..

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Loving it so Much~

Frankly speaking, i don't know how to put all these in to words.. Words just cant describe my feeling at this very moment..

Well, some times last week, i did mention that my laptop wasn't able to function anymore.. Silly yeah.. I might be the one to be blamed but hell no.. I wont take the whole responsible for doing so.. It wasnt actually me!!

Anyway, i wont blame other people either.. Sorry for being a lil bit dramatic here.. Owh, back to my story.. Earlier this week, Tuesday afternoon to be specific i owned my self a new laptop.. Am so in love with it..

Guess what??

My previous laptop was Dell Vostro 1400, Black version and now i own the Dell Inspiron 1420, White version.. Seriously, am so in love with this new laptop.. It cost $1+++ now..

This is not the picture of my laptop..
But it is the same model, the same colour as mine..

So much thanks to that one special person.. Hahahaha.. Syah, thanks a lot.. I never imagine to get this from you.. Its way too expensive.. But i really appreciate it.. Loving u so much.. :P

Syah, its not even my birthday yet.. My birthday is in April.. Should i expect for something bigger for my birthday? Ehehehe.. Just kidding..

Ur birthday is coming very soon.. Truly speaking, its just typical me, not to buy present for the birthday celebrant.. Perhaps it has something to do with the 'PENGARIT' side of me..

Friday, February 20, 2009

Faiz-Hs is so Demam~

This is going to be a very short posting of mine.. I have so many things to be updated here.. But again to some extend am not feeling very well.. Its not just the flu.. I got this high fever, flu and cough..

Running nose and sneezing is almost my best friend.. I spent most of my time inside my bedroom.. I just don't like to be in this situation.. Potentially, it could kill me.. Literally saying though..

I might not go out tonight.. Some how am glad to have this 'Demam' too.. It gives me the opportunity to know people who really cares about me.. At times, it seems like they are more concern about my health condition than i myself.. Lucky me to have those people around me..

I appreciate all those love.. So people out there, love is in the air..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Seri Mama, Delima Branch~

The Menu..

The interior side..

Another interior side..

The Delicious Sate..



Monday, February 16, 2009

The Trip to Seria~

Today is the real day.. Have to wake up early and left the house early too.. I don't really know if i can live this life.. But truly speaking, i just cant say no to the opportunity given to me.. The photos below were taken during our lunching-session at Easy Way, Tutong.. I had my Laksa.. Not bad at all..

This is the very first time Sham joined us for lunch.. General info, please don't let Sham and me together.. We fight almost most of the time.. Hahaha.. Fight in a good way though.. He's annoying yet is fun to be with..


"Bila Rasa Ini, Rasa Mu"

Urm.. Mcm banyak bnarnya kn ku cetakn sini ani.. But mcm payah jua wa.. Idup i makin busy.. Laptop i rusak tia jua.. So payah lah kn update the stories.. Ani pun i pinjam someone's laptop jua.. Sigh.. Ksian eyh i ah.. Anyone yg kn pinjamkn i the laptop, sementara my laptop ani dlm workshop-nya ah..

I went to so many places and lots to be updated.. I attended few special life-terrifying events.. I missed so many people..

Esuk another am going for another long journey.. Its going to be another breath-taking moment.. I just cant wait.. Allah Almighty.. I appreciate the love given towards me.. Semoga hidup ini sentiasa dirahmati..

Now, kn pkul 4 dh.. I blum lgi dpt tido.. Payah lah.. Byk mcm kn dipikirkn time ni.. So masa sunyi sepi cani ani th peluang untuk memikirkan hidup.. Perjalanan hidup yang penuh onak dan liku.. Tabahkanlah hatiku dalam mengharungi arus kehidupan yang semakin mencabar.. Urm..

Owh, tdi i liat the RTB Awards.. Banyak ceta ni psal RTB ah.. Rasanya ada wa kn i ulas.. But sapa lah i untuk mengongsikan perasaan di dada ani kn.. Pastinya i percaya dan yakin, bkn i sja yang rasa smua ani.. Apa kata urg nah? Nah..

"bila rasa ini, rasa mu"

Saturday, February 14, 2009

'The Single' on February, 14th ..

Well, at first i mcm mls kn ceta psal the trip to Seria ani coz its nothing so special jua about it kn.. Nothing much to be shared here.. But memandangkan my craziey Hanna requested for my own version of the trip, so here it is..

It was Saturday, people busy planning their v-day celebration but us 'the single' have our own mission.. After the doing the whatsnot at UBD so we went out for our lunch.. Had our lunch at The Kaka Restaurant.. There were Schiz, Moncel and i.. While having our lunch, i text-ed Hanna and asked her to get ready..

Mcm after awhile, she replied my msg ckap ia bru bis mkn and kajap ah katanya.. Then guilty jua i slajur tu.. Then i told her lah, that we would only pick her around 1.40pm.. Mkn punya mkn, inda sadar wa it 1pm dah.. Kn hantar Moncel ke Gadong lgi..

Hanna the WE-WE Lady.. :P

Kmi sampai di Panchor around 2ish atu.. Bru jua si Hanna msuk keta tu ah dah tia kmi bising.. Mana bagi chance lagi ni kmi ah.. Pantang bjumpa wa.. Apa th lagi ani, after almost a month kmi inda jumpa..

Pecaya dri Panchor sampai ke Lumut wa kmi beceta nda pandai branti ah.. Like beceta atu lagi jenis mlabang tu.. Walhal kmi jua sja dlm keta ah.. Tbiasa dh wa.. Dh di Lumut atu, bnar eyh.. Karing leher wa sorg-sorg.. Paling ksian si Hanna lah.. Schiz and i bebata Heaven & Earth Jasmine Green Tea dh.. Yatah msa ku karing leher atu, minum ku jua.. Si Hanna wa inda pandai minum ani.. Hahahaha.. Ksian deh lo..

Dh projek Seria and Lumut atu dah berhasil, so kmi plan kn balik lah.. But liat jam awal jua msih so si Schiz bawa ke Tasek Merimbun.. Well, i dont mind bnarnya.. I ni pun jenis yang suka sight-seeing jua kn.. So kira no objection lah..

Schiz the sneeze-a-lot driver..

Then apa nah.. Kmi salah msuk wa.. Plan awal tu kn msuk arh Tanjung Maya but kmi tmasuk arh Ukong and Long Mayan ah.. Kpisan jauhnya kn sampai ke Tasek Merimbun atu.. Like it takes 25km of journey.. Terasa brabis lah the journey psal inda byk yg kn diliat di kawasan atu.. Bkas banjir sja lah.. Tanah susur.. Jalan raya tutup separuh and so on.. The journey took almost 2 hours lah.. Batah tu..

Yatah kn dijadikn cerita wa.. Msa on the way di Kg urang yg inda byk umah n nada kadai ani si Hanna kn WE-WE tia jua.. Haiya bida wa usulnya menahan ah.. Ku pebunkn wa ia ah.. But cian jua ku, mcm ia mnahan tu more than half an hour.. Kpisan.. Wawawa..

Faiz-Hs and Hanna the WE-WE Lady..

The cali part is when kmi tliat surau sna.. Hahaha.. Nyaman atinya wa slajur.. Mcm iski ya mliat jamban ah.. Biasanya urg iski mliat something yg grand, ia lain wa iski mliat jamban.. Hahaha.. :P

How in the world, i mrasa syukur dgn apa yg tlah dilimpahkan ke atas keluarga ku.. Inda kaya p sederhana dlm smua hal.. Alhamdulillah.. Kekadang tpikir jua, cna durg dpt survive with such situation ah? I cant see myself to live in such place..


That day, kmi balik dri Tutong around 7ish pm then ambil Moncel at Gadong around 8pm, then aga Chumie around 8ish pm at Lambak, then jln-jln lgi.. Bjaur til pagi yo.. Yatah idup urg single ni.. Am so loving all of u.. It would be even more fun if we were lebih ramai tdi.. Ehehehe.. Thanks for the night!!

Hanna flunked her Geo..

Do not let her be ur tour guide..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alip oh Alip..

Entah lah.. Mlm ni memang i dh plan kn kuar with durg Schiz and Nazri but inda tau kn kmana.. So i suggested, the RTB Carnival..

I've heard a lot about this carnival.. The upcoming RTB Awards and so on.. Somehow, am overly-exited kn ksana.. I just don't know why.. Mcm siuk wa.. But peduli-in deh.. I dont need reason to go there.. If kn ksana atu ksana th sja wa.. Jgn th kn susah-susah cari alasan lgi.. Ehehehe..

So tdi around 7pm atu kmi selamat sampai d icc wah.. Heran jua ku tym kmi sampai sana ah.. Pcaya!! Mcm inda byk wa krita sana ah.. Inda jua ku puas ati tu.. Plus boring jua tu if inda ramai urg..

Being majal, ku turun th kmi ni.. Well, antara kmi 3 urang ani, of course lah aku yg plg inda pemajal.. Ehehehe.. Turun atu, ku tanya kn wa the security on duty ah.. Then ia gtau lah, yg mlm ni awal durg tutup psal mlm Jumat wa.. Haiya.. Sasak jua i tu..

Then inda th kmi tau kn kmana.. Biasa ni kmi ah.. Setiap kli jln atu, inda kmi tau tu kn kmana.. In the end, kmi agreed kn lepak di KFC (Kianggeh).. Boleh lah.. Inda jua ramai bnar urg.. Cuaca pun okay jua usulnya.. Nada lah mcm kn ujan.. If ujan payah wa kn lepak ah..

Msa kmi di KFC atu, duduk th kmi arh our usual restaurant atu.. Restaurant plg ujung ah.. The one yg uniform durg warna merah.. Kmi ni 3 urang sja p duduk arh meja besar ah, yg ampir dgn tempat jual sate.. Hahahaha..

Ceta-ceta.. All those kisah lama tekuar wa.. Ada sja kn kmi ceta kn atu.. Bising lgi tu.. Inda pandai sunyi ni kmi ah.. Walau th kmi 2 urang sja tu.. Mcm ada jua urg kiri-kanan bliatan atu.. Biarin deh.. Durg bayar, kmi pun bayar kliah.. Minta maaf sja ah.. Ikhlas ku ni minta maaf ah.. Jgn th diragui lgi..

Msa siuk-siuk bceta atu.. Kjumpahan th jua ku my old buddy, Bro Ganz (P2F Season 1).. He was with a friend of him.. Singgah ya arh kmi duduk atu.. Beceta-ceta lgi sma ia.. Lama dh ku inda jumpa ia ni.. We were very close msa 2005.. Siuk lah that tym, like almost every night we hang out together..

Bro Ganz (P2F Season 1)..

Biasa dh ku ni.. If bjumpa atu, inda be-ucapan sama sendiri inda sah.. Hahaha.. Mcm-mcm wa.. I asked him about life and so on.. Yatah katanya he got a job offer from HSBC.. All the best lah for him..

Satu hal yg ku heran sikit dgn ia ni is the fact yg ia ni cepat kboringan ni.. Hahaha.. Previously he worked with BSP, then buka his own business and now kn kerja tia kli smula? Ntah ia eyh.. All the best of luck in life for him.. Bro, nanti th we hang out lgi ah..

Mlm tdi Schiz, Nazri and i stayed sna til half past 11pm.. Hahahaha.. Asal kn balik, mesti ada sja halangan atu.. Mkin byk tia kn diceta kn ah.. Cali jua tu.. But yg pastinya, mlm ni aku lh yg jdi mangsa durg Schiz and Nazri.. Sasak ku.. :P Msa kn balik tu, i drive lintas the RTB building.. Guess what, tliat th kmi someone's familiar kuar dri RTB atu.. It was Abg. Darman..

Yatah, psal kn jumpa ia japs so kmi i pusing lah arh the RTB parking lot.. Hahaha.. Kjumpahan kmi durg DJ Ryan and DJ Aliff.. Hahaha.. Nervous ku slajur.. Walhal, it wasnt the first time tliat durg atu.. Hahahaha..

DJ Ryan (Left) & DJ Aliff (Right)

Well, DJ Ryan biasa dh i liat.. My course-mate.. He's such a nice person jua.. Asal jumpa ia pun mcm-mcm bleh diceta kn.. Siuk jua lah.. He's being so friendly so far..

DJ Aliff? Ntah ah.. Inda i tau cna kn explain.. But yg pentingnya mlm tdi, i wished him all the best of luck for the upcoming RTB awards.. :) Kiyut-lah jua ia tu.. I bangga dgn tahap kondipen yg terdapat dlm dirinya.. Hahaha.. Respect i.. Jujur ni..

Mlm tdi i hantar Nazri to Rimba dlu.. Then hantar Schiz ke umahnya di Lambak.. I sampai umah almost 1am tdi.. Atu lalah.. But its okay.. Sja kn buang tensen.. Plus dh sampai di umah atu, inda jua i dpt tido.. So i lawat blog DJ Aliff.. Buat shout sna.. Hahahaha.. Rasa wa supaya ia ingat ah..

Guess what? Tdi ia tanya DJ Ryan whether i ni Faiz-Hs or inda.. Hahaha.. I quote: "yea... tu la ku tnya ryan bkn faiz hs arah blog tu ka... hehe..."

Inda sangka ia tau i.. Hahaha.. Iski i.. Suka i.. Kamvang i ni tym ni..